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defense procurement
military institution
material and technical means
material support

How to Cite

Durach, V., Osypenko, S., & Nikolaichuk, L. (2021). PROCUREMENT OF A MILITARY INSTITUTION AS AN IMPORTANT COMPONENT OF LOGISTICS. Entrepreneurship and Trade, (32), 17-25.


The conditions of the first years of destabilization of the situation in Eastern Ukraine, the deployment of full-scale military actions revealed the imperfect ability of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, defense industry and the Ukrainian government in general to conduct military operations as well as effectively meet the needs of the front. The Ukrainian authorities proved unable to equip the Joint Forces Operations troops with the most necessary: ammunition, food, weapons, equipment. The lack of a clear supply chain for the military required the development of military logistics, the priority of which is to set-up timely and high-quality equipment provision, radio communication, logistics and creates an appropriate infrastructure that will ensure the success of both tactical and strategic operations. Currently, the direction of military logistics research is multi-vector: from models of integrated military logistics supply chain, which combines the entire military support system (rearward supply system, informational and military service system) to the relationship between military and commercial logistics in terms of their objectives in supply chains management, which combines procurement management, inventory, warehousing, transportation, essential networks, information flow, technologies and security management. The armed forces of many countries around the world have their own research centers that work on inventions of logistics for the benefit of the army, respond to market changes, use “civilian” solutions, adapting them to their needs. But not in Ukraine. Today, on the threshold of joining NATO, Ukraine needs to study in depth and identify ways to improve the logistics of the Armed Forces, especially its components, such as material support and property procurement. Therefore, there is an urgent need to study the current state and to substantiate the priority development of logistics of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. In modern conditions, new ways and forms of material support of troops are being searched for and the legislation on procurement of material and other property in military institutions is being changed.
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