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management accounting
information technologies
information users

How to Cite

Osmiatchenko, V., & Skliaruk, I. (2022). MODERN IT SOLUTIONS FOR ACCOUNTING AND BUSINESS MANAGEMENT. Entrepreneurship and Trade, (34), 41-46.


It discloses the features of the automated management accounting system of economic entities in the conditions of digitization, which contribute to the establishment of the automated process of information collection, systematization and processing. A list of possible requests of information users is presented, the answers to which will depend both on the defined algorithm of business processes and on the correctly selected information processing software product. Promptly processed information in the form of generated data and accumulated indicators is used by accounting, financial and analytical departments and the management to take effective business decisions. The system interaction components are highlighted: business processes, actual processes (from collecting information to receiving it in the form of processed data), performance indicators, documentation, and data users. The analysis of the market of modern IT technologies for management accounting and business process management was carried out. The software for using it by small, medium and large businesses is highlighted and described. The constituent elements and tools of software products are disclosed, including those for accounting individual business processes (modular subsystems) and integrated information systems. It was determined that the priority criteria for choosing software are built-in basic functionality (a set of tools), the level of IT security and information protection, a list of technical provision and support functions, the use of cloud technologies, and a license. The components of the automated management accounting and business management system are systematized and summarized, and their advantages are indicated. The software programs that properly meet the needs and requirements of holistic management of business processes and activities of business entities are identified and described, in particular, their list includes: ERP system Business Central (Microsoft Dynamics NAV / Dynamics 365), SAP ERP, “MASTER: Accounting” etc. A comprehensive approach to the selection of a software product has been defined, the synthesis of functional modules of which will contribute to the prompt processing of information, systematic management of activities and decision-making by managers of various management levels.
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