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transnational cooperation
cross-border cooperation
European experience
development management
regional integration

How to Cite

Resler, M., & Rejs, T. (2023). EUROPEAN EXPERIENCE IN MANAGING THE DEVELOPMENT OF CROSS-BORDER COOPERATION. Entrepreneurship and Trade, (37), 49-56.


In today's world, cross-border cooperation is a topical issue, as globalization and European integration increase the need to develop joint initiatives and partnerships between countries. Managing the development of cross-border cooperation is gaining importance to ensure the success of projects and achieve sustainable development. The purpose of this article is to study the European experience of managing the development of cross-border cooperation and to identify its importance for improving social, economic and cultural development. The article aims to reveal the main aspects of management, including organizational structure, financing and the role of stakeholders. The subject of the study of the European experience is the management of the development of cross-border cooperation, in particular the organizational structure, financing of projects and the role of various stakeholders. Mechanisms of state administration contributing to the success and efficiency of cooperation are analyzed. The main task of the work is to analyze the European experience of managing the development of cross-border cooperation, to identify best practices and innovations, as well as to provide recommendations for the further implementation of the experience of European countries in cross-border cooperation. The task is also to identify the challenges faced by cross-border cooperation projects and to propose ways to overcome them. During the research, it was found that the European experience of managing the development of cross-border cooperation is very valuable and relevant. Research also confirms that the European experience of managing the development of cross-border cooperation has great potential for use in other countries, in particular in Ukraine. Organizational structure, funding and the role of stakeholders are key elements of successful cooperation. The challenges faced by the projects require the search for innovative solutions and the improvement of management mechanisms. The results of the study provide recommendations for further research and implementation of European experience to achieve better results in cross-border cooperation.
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