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information process
information flow
information provision
information message

How to Cite

Abushov, T. (2023). INFORMATION MANAGEMENT TERMINOLOGY IN THE ENTERPRISE. Entrepreneurship and Trade, (38), 5-12.


The article analyzes the content of terms related to information management at the enterprise. To ensure the effectiveness of the management decision, it is necessary to ensure the presence of direct and feedback communication between the generator and the receiver of information. After all, information about the condition of the object is one of the reasons for making a decision to correct its condition. Such information may be of a one-time nature, but the value from the point of view of management is regular periodic information obtained as a result of monitoring of the object of management. Information is transmitted from the generator to the recipient in the form of information messages that form an information flow. The effectiveness of information transfer depends on the recipient's ability to correctly interpret and use it. The factors forming such ability include the availability of relevant experience, professional knowledge and competences, awareness of the situation at the enterprise. It is advisable to consider information management as one of the areas of personnel training in the general resource management system. Based on the analysis, an information flow scheme was built, taking into account the possibility of official and unofficial information transmission. The information flow reflects the meaningful part in the system of relationships between the subject and the management object, that is, reflecting the data/messages circulating between them. It is proved that there are no differences between the concepts of "information flow" and "management information flow". It is proposed to consider the structure of the information process at the enterprise as a set of information flows, equipment and technologies used for storing and transmitting information, as well as rules and procedures. Special attention needs to be paid to the regulation of access to information of various levels of relevant employees, as well as means of protecting information from its loss, disappearance, or input of poor quality data. The role of information and communication processes in enterprise management is clarified. Information and communication technologies make it possible to reduce the complexity of management processes due to faster data processing, as well as to reduce risks due to the avoidance of certain errors related to the "human factor".
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