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project management
organizational changes
food industry

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The subject of the research is a project-based approach to the organisational changes and its features at food industry enterprises. The purpose of the research is to present an argument for the relevance of management of organizational change projects at food industry enterprises. The main issues of the activities of enterprises in changeable external conditions have been studied. The relevance of the organisational changes as a focus area to resist unfavourable trends and as a means of development of economic entities has been proved. Generalizing the scientific research findings, the essence and objects of organisational changes, their types and the stages of implementation have been determined. Organisational changes are systemic transformations that affect the entire enterprise or its individual parts. They are aimed at improving economic, legal and social relations in operation of the enterprise. It has been proved that organizational change projects are a highly effective tool to increase the competitiveness, a means of adapting to changes in the external environment and the basis for ensuring high efficiency functioning and development of economic entities. The key provisions, on which the project approach to organisational changes is based, have been proposed. Its advantages in comparison with the gradual implementation of transformations have been determined. The branch features of organisational change projects in the food industry taking into account the range of their activity have been determined. The main stages of management of organisational change projects on the example of food industry enterprises have been described. In particular, the goal setting principles, the development of the concept of organisational change, its economic substantiation, the implementation of project transformation structuring, planning of time frames and budget have been considered. Thus, the decisive role of the project approach in ensuring the effectiveness of organizational change has been proved. In order to achieve the aim of planned changes this will allow to perform promptly a reasonable amount of work with clear costs justification and expected economic results.
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