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trade innovation
trade technological system
principles of innovative development
innovative business technologies

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The management of trading companies strives to minimize circulation costs, more rationally use trading space, increase the volume of the average check, the frequency of purchases and, as a result, achieve an increase in profitability. Such a straightforward approach, despite its obvious economic attractiveness, ignores the main orientation of business based on the provision of goods and services – the search for ways to satisfy the customers needs. The article is devoted to the problem of innovative development of trade enterprises, the functioning of which is considered from the point of view of a systemic approach. The article offers a general view of the trade and technological system, defines principles of its innovative development: optimisation of ways of delivery of goods; equipment of the material and technical base in accordance with requirements of the new economy; optimal use of means of delivery of goods; improvement of the technological chain of goods movement; use of innovative trade and technological equipment instead of manual labour; consumer orientation; integration with producers and intermediaries; efficient distribution; benchmarking of trade technologies. The article defines the content of the definition of «trade innovation», which is understood as a change achieved as a result of the use of scientific achievements, research and development, implemented to improve the basic and additional trade services, as well as economic and social relations in the field of commodity circulation. The economic content of the category of «innovative business technologies in trade» is considered, possible directions of their development are identified: informatisation, customisation, networking. It is shown that the transition of the economy to the information phase of development significantly affects the transformation of the conceptual orientation of entrepreneurship, which acquires an information vector of development and is based on networking. The information direction of business technology development in trade actualises the issue of commercialisation of trade innovations, which involve the transformation of consumer behaviour, and as a result, conditions are created for the formation of a bimodal IT architecture of trade. It was concluded that a better understanding of the peculiarities of the trade technological system allows to focus the efforts of the management of trade companies on specific areas of implementation of innovative business technologies.
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