Keywords: antimonopoly and competition legislation, monopoly, competition, European standards, dumping, Antimonopoly Committee


The article is devoted to the study of the features and problems of competition regulation in Ukraine and European Union in the context of European integration of our country. A comprehensive analysis of Ukrainian competition law, in particular, the stages of its formation, the specifics of domestic competition law, the systematization of general and special legal norms to protect competition, the improvement of the effective impact of competition law, including the improvement of its practical application and bringing into the European standards, has been performed. Examining the competition policy of the European Union, it was noted that the principle of free competition is fundamental in their activities, and the competition policy of the European Union is characterized by the unity of competition regulations. It is noted that Ukraine consistently brings its own legislation in accordance with the provisions of European Union law and undertakes the relevant provisions of European law to further implement. In conclusion, the authors draw attention to the fact that our country needs to improve the regulatory norms in accordance with the European standards. After the signing of the Association Agreement with the European Union, which provides the implementation of the relevant requirements for a limited period, the public authorities acted quite quickly, several legislative acts were improved / adopted. However, the reform of Ukraine’s competition law is still in process, and, in addition, it is necessary not only to adopt regulations, but also to create the necessary conditions for the activities of relevant bodies without political interference from stakeholders. At the same time, borrowing of certain norms of the European Union should take into account the specifics of the Ukrainian market. And most importantly, despite the positive changes, the effectiveness of legal regulation of antitrust and competition mainly depends on the law enforcement practice.


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